Create life and business on your own terms with iSpeakUp! LightUp!

If you’re ready to make your vision a reality, find your unique voice, level up your visibility and authority in your industry, and seize the exclusive opportunity to work with top professionals, this is your moment!

We are excited to support you in unleashing your unique voice and light up the world: scaling your business through powerful brand identity, visibility and public speaking skills

Speak Up! Light Up! Package
Embark on a journey of personal and business transformation with our Team Of Experts

Enhance Your Speaking Skills to Stand Out and Shine: Find Your Unique Voice And Presence In Your Industry 

Elite Speaking Coaching: Receive three months of public speaking coaching with the world’s top speaking coach to refine and elevate your speaking abilities.

Signature Speech Development: Craft a compelling signature speech, including a persuasive sales pitch, tailored to your unique style and message.

Professional Speaker’s Trailer: Create a high-impact speaker’s trailer to showcase your expertise and attract more speaking engagements.

Exclusive Speaking Package: Gain a speaking slot and promotional opportunities at the prestigious Speak Up! Light Up! Business Summit.

Design Your Brand Visuals: Create a cohesive visual identity with a unique style, color palette, logo, fonts, graphics, and a complete social media kit.

Build a Captivating Website: Develop a website that aligns perfectly with your brand identity and captivates your audience, turning visitors into loyal clients.

Professional Photo Shoot: Enjoy a professional photo shoot with 10 expertly edited photos to showcase your brand’s best side.

Get Access To Business Networking Events: Speak and promote your business at our business networking events. Connect with fellow entrepreneurs and investors. 

BONUSES: SULU Membership, VIP Ticket To Gala Awards

PR Power Up

3 Months of Exclusive PR Agency Services, including:

3 Months of Exclusive PR Agency Services, including:

Tailored PR Strategy: Craft a unique PR strategy designed to make your brand stand out from the competition.

Media Outlet List: Receive a curated list of media outlets, including printed and digital magazines, radio shows, and podcasts that align with your brand identity and business nature.

Dedicated Editor: Benefit from an assigned editor who will support you throughout the PR strategy execution process.

Professional Biography: Get a professionally written biography that will be pitched to journalists and media outlets.

Publication Updates: Stay informed with regular publication overviews sent directly to your email.

Expert Copywriting: Enjoy expertly crafted articles and content from our team of professional copywriters.

BONUS: Professional Photoshoot: Enhance your PR portfolio with a professional photoshoot, creating a powerful impression.

We have access to over 50,000 legitimate media outlets across Europe and the United States.

Create a tailored experience

The entrepreneurial journey should not be a lonely one. In fact, you can feel supported, stay focused, and accomplish your goals faster by having access to a group of like-minded resourceful individuals.

Join our iSpeakUp!LightUp! Business MEMBERSHIP to get access to:

Monthly accountability calls to reach your life and business goals;
Monthly meetings with world-class experts who can help you with business strategies and growth;
A supportive community of like-minded women entrepreneurs who cheer on your progress and support your development;
Private Group for Members To Connect, Share Resources, And Ask Questions;
Get Access To Materials That Can Help To Scale Your Business, Stay Focused, And Enhance Your Entrepreneurial Skills;

Business Guide

Get a copy of our Business Guide:
Start Up! Scale Up! A Self-Coaching Guide To Thrive In Business And Life 

This great tool provides a comprehensive framework for women entrepreneurs to expand their businesses while nurturing a fulfilling and balanced life. Each module addresses key aspects of business growth, personal development, and well-being to support your journey toward success and fulfillment in both business and life.

Whether you want to start your own business or you are a well-established business owner, this workbook will help you establish a great foundation for further steps, maintain alignment between your life and business goals, and provide a step-by-step guide to accomplishing those goals.

The main focus of the workbook is to help you set up or adjust an existing business around your desired lifestyle.
The workbook consists of 12 modules. Each module addresses key aspects of business growth, personal development, and well-being to support your journey toward success and fulfillment.
At the end of each module, you can find practical exercises to ensure effective learning and real-life implementation.

Some of the Modules:

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